Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yea Churchill!

"Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge." Winston Churchill
Sometimes when I am feeling unraveled I try to remember that when life seems too complex those feeling will pass and I will be back to feeling like everything has fallen into place. I remember the feeling of being overwhelmed by working on a piece of art work or working on writing and realizing that I will come to that place where everything breaks free and comes together. So when I am extremely angry at the person who will not give me resolve and seems unscathed by their interactions with me and I am undone by feeling like I communicated so clearly what I wanted from another and they still want a different response, I remember that relationships are a lot like art work and writing. When they seem overwhelming and out of control you have to step back and re-evaluate them. Examining what is making everything seem so complex can help you to remember that you are full of self-efficacy and that you do have the skills to get through these complex emotions and navigate your life.

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