Monday, November 30, 2009


I am never afraid of what I know. Anna Sewell

Lately I have become obsessed with jumping out of a plane. It started off with I need to conquer things that I am afraid to do and moved to what is the scariest thing I can think to do. For me jumping out of a plane is it, I can not think of a single thing that is more insane and fear provoking for me than jumping out of a plane. All of the small things have started to fall into place, starting a new career, traveling, making new friends (I can be painfully shy or just so damn blunt it's shocking), starting a PhD program, being free to live where ever I need to in the next year, etc. All of those steps are starting to seem easy, jumping out of a plane will have fewer ramifications for my life yet I am scared to death of scheduling the time for my jump.
Today I decided that I needed to just schedule the time to do this alone. If I talk about it I get nervous. I think that maybe I am just pushing life too far, then I realize that this jump signifies everything that changed for me. It is my commencement ceremony for some permeant and positive changes for moving forward and knowing that whatever I am afraid of is less scary the second time around.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Grands

I was told today that updating my blog might make it a more interesting read; my family is ridiculously picky.
I forgot my camera so the pictures from Thanksgiving will have to wait until someone sends me a few...that's a hint for my follower.
I love visiting my Grands, it has to be one of my favorite vacation spots. I loved it in Chicago and I love it in Colorado. Their house has a constancy and a comfort that is lovely to return to time and time again no matter the location. I love the greeting when arriving, Grandfather clock, the smell, the wool blankets on the bed, the dolls from my childhood, and just the general feel of the house. There is a special calmness/stillness in their house that always makes me feel peaceful.
Odd as it may seem my family has a few special quirks. One showed up promptly tonight when I arrived. We like to talk (that's not the quirk) and are all horrible at watching TV (that's the quirk). Tonight I sat down to eat a late dinner after arriving and the rest of the family was trying to program a new TV device for my Grands. As we were switching channels and trying to program the device a movie came on that was action packed, my G'pa in true Zander fashion gave commentary to the movie, we talked about what movie it might be what could be happening, about 15 minutes into it we slowly realized it was dubbed over in Spanish, no problem the very loud Zander voices continued to create their own scenarios and outcomes. No lack of creativity here.