Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I stink at following advice. I have received some excellent advice in my life that I just plain ignore until I have to apply it to my own lessons to learn. I am excellent at seeking out the resources that I need for good advice, I just for one reason or another feel the need to then explore my options or situations before acting on the advice.
I am especially bad at following my own advice some of the time. I'll think about what I need to do, be confident in my choice of what I should do, and then not follow through. I let others influence choices that I know are right for me and my well-being. I know what will make me happy, so I don't know why I find it so difficult some of the time to let others know that and really stand up for what I want.
Right now I'm going to work on taking my own advice. Using the resources that I have and paying attention when I ask for advice from others. There is a reason I asked for advice from that person, they usually know what they are talking about even if it does seem like difficult advice to apply. I am going to work on just being more responsible for what I do and how I do take care of my life. Then maybe the difficult stuff will seem a little bit easier to take.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Today at church the priest had all of us pray together as part of his sermon, we sat there saying at first a common prayer and then our own individual prayers. I realized how beautiful it is when people bring there individuality together for a communal experience. The power of thinking positive thoughts together has always fascinated me. I think it is amazing that we are so powerful as a collective group to do either positive or negative work together. That without speaking people can connect and lift each other up or break each other down. The power of our thoughts never ceases to amaze me.