Thursday, November 27, 2008


Essayist and editor Norman Cousins quote "life is an adventure in forgiveness" has helped me to focus on moving on frequently since I first saw it on a poster in my 7th grade English teachers room. I wrote the quote on many notebooks throughout my school career and have used it in my personal life as well. Sometimes I find I just need a gentle reminder to forgive myself or someone else in order to move forward and have a productive life.  I find when I'm not willing to forgive then I cannot move on with life. When I get stuck in the mode of not forgiving the ability to live my best life is impeded. I also feel that holding a grudge will get in the way of letting others move on and have their best life. 
I have an extremely supportive group of friends and a fantastic family that help me to communicate and stay real with myself and others. They remind me that we all regularly make mistakes and want people to like us in-spite of those mistakes and that when given the opportunity to we can all demonstrate our best traits on any given day. Here is to a life fraught in forgiveness.